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Analisis User Experience pada Aplikasi Transportasi Online Menggunakan Metode Heuristic Evaluation
Transportasi online telah menjadi solusi yang signifikan di tengah-tengah tantangan yang dihadapi oleh sistem transportasi konvensional di Indonesia. Dengan munculnya perusahaan-perusahaan besar seperti GrabBike dan Maxim Bike, masyarakat memiliki alternatif baru untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mobilitas mereka. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu melakukan analisa terhadap user experience pada aplikasi Maxim dengan melihat sejumlah permasalahan hasil ulasan pada play store. Evaluasi aplikasi Maxim dilakukan melalui metode heuristic evaluation dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah yang ada dalam aplikasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap aplikasi transportasi online Maxim. Hasil penilaian pengaruh kualitas terhadap User Experience aplikasi transportasi online Maxim ini termasuk dalam kategori yang bagus. Berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap aplikasi transportasi online Maxim yang dilihat dari ulasan play store ditemukan bahwa prinsip X04 (consistency and Standards) adalah yang paling ditemukan masalah dengan presentase mencapai 21,48% dan tingkat severity rating tertinggi. Sementara X08 (Aesthetic and Minimalist Design) dan X10 (Help and Documentation) menunjukkan tingkat masalah dan severity rating yang paling rendah.
Kata Kunci: Transportasi Online, Heuristic Evaluation
Online transportation has become a significant solution in addressing the challenges faced by conventional transportation systems in Indonesia. With the emergence of major companies like GrabBike and Maxim Bike, the public now has new alternatives to meet their mobility needs. The research method used involved analyzing the user experience of the Maxim application by reviewing various issues highlighted in Play Store reviews. The evaluation of the Maxim application was conducted using the heuristic evaluation method to identify existing problems within the app. Based on the analysis of the Maxim online transportation application, the results indicate that the quality's influence on the User Experience of the Maxim online transportation application falls into the good category. According to the analysis of the Maxim online transportation application, as seen from Play Store reviews, it was found that the X04 principle (Consistency and Standards) had the most issues, with a percentage reaching 21.48% and the highest severity rating. Meanwhile, X08 (Aesthetic and Minimalist Design) and X10 (Help and Documentation) showed the lowest levels of issues and severity ratings.
Keywords: Online Transportation, Heuristic Evaluation
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