Skripsi/Tugas Akhir
Identifikasi Makanan Tradisional Khas Daerah Sulawesi Menggunakan Metode Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Makanan tradisional khas daerah di Sulawesi merupakan warisan budaya yang kaya dengan berbagai jenis dan rasa. Namun, dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi dan globalisasi, banyak generasi muda yang kurang mengenal dan membedakan jenis-jenis makanan tradisional khas daerah mereka sendiri. Selain itu, bagi para pelaku industri kuliner atau peneliti, mengidentifikasi jenis makanan tradisional secara manual bisa menjadi proses yang memakan waktu dan rentan kesalahan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah metode yang dapat membantu dalam mengidentifikasikan makanan tradisional khas daerah di Sulawesi dengan akurat. Dengan penerapan metode Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) dalam identifikasi makanan tradisional khas daerah di Sulawesi, Penelitian ini berhasil membangun sistem otomatis yang efektif dalam mengidentifikasi makanan tradisional khas daerah di Sulawesi berdasarkan visual gambar. Melalui penerapan Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), model berhasil mencapai akurasi sebesar 86.00% pada dataset pengujian, dengan nilai test loss sebesar 0.5955, dan akurasi sebesar 87.00% pada dataset validasi, dengan validation loss sebesar 1.0007.
Kata Kunci: Convolutional Neural Network, Identifikasi, Makanan Tradisional
Traditional food typical of the region of Sulawesi has a rich cultural heritage with a variety of types and flavors. However, with increasing technology and globalization, many younger generations are less familiar with and unable to discern the traditional types of food typical of their own region. Furthermore, for those involved in the culinary industry or researchers, identifying traditional foods manually can be a time-consuming and error-prone process. Therefore, a method is needed that can help in accurately identifying traditional foods typical of the region in Sulawesi. By applying the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method to identify traditional foods typical of the region in Sulawesi, the research has successfully established an effective automated system for the identification of traditional foods in the region based on visual images. Through the application of convolutionary neural networks, the model has achieved an accuracy of 86.00% on the test data set, with a test loss value of 0.5955, and an accuracy of 87.00% on the validation data set, with a validation loss of 1.0007.
Keywords: Convolutional Neural Network, Identification, Traditional Food
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