Skripsi/Tugas Akhir
Aplikasi Monitoring Imunisasi dan Tumbuh Kembang Bayi Berbasis Web Service
Posyandu Boegenville III, melayani para ibu yang akan melakukan imunisasi kepada anak bayi mereka. Imunisasi diperlukan untuk memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh sehingga kebal akan virus. Banyaknya jenis imunisasi diantaranya Imunisasi hepatitis B, Imunisasi polio, Imunisasi BCG, Imunisasi Campak Rubella, dan Imunisasi DPT-HB-HiB membuat orang tua kesulitan mengingatnya, selain itu jadwal imunisasi yang sering terlupakan oleh para ibu. Serta perlunya sistem untuk memantau tumbuh kembang anak belum tersedia di posyandu. Untuk itu dirancang aplikasi berbasis web service yang dilengkapi dengan notifikasi pada aplikasi agar dapat memudahkan ibu dalam melihat jadwal dan jenis imunisasi yang telah dilakukan oleh anak bayi mereka, serta memudahkan dalam proses pemantauan tumbuh kembang anak. Sistem yang dirancang berhasil untuk menampilkan data perkembangan bayi melalui pendataan bayi saat melakukan imunisasi sehingga data bayi dapat di monitoring melalui sistem berbasis web. Dengan adanya sistem berbasis web yang telah berhasil dirancang akan membantu orang tua maupun pihak Posyandu dalam melakukan pendataan bayi serta imunisasi yang telah dilakukan melalui sistem yang telah terdigitalisasi. Melalui sistem yang dirancang telah menerapkan proses untuk membantu orang tua dalam mengingat jadwal imunisasi bayi melalui email yang telah disingkronkan dengan sistem yang telah dirancang.
Kata Kunci: Imunisasi, Bayi, Web, Notifikasi, Jadwal
Posyandu Boegenville III, serves mothers who are about to immunize their babies. Immunization is needed to strengthen the immune system so that it is immune to viruses. The many types of immunizations including Hepatitis B Immunization, Polio Immunization, BCG Immunization, Rubella Measles Immunization, and DPT-HB-HiB Immunization make it difficult for parents to remember, besides the immunization schedule is often forgotten by mothers. And the need for a system to monitor child growth and development is not yet available at the posyandu. For this reason, a web service-based application is designed that is equipped with notifications on the application in order to make it easier for mothers to see the schedule and types of immunizations that have been carried out by their babies, as well as facilitate the process of monitoring child growth and development. The system is designed successfully to display baby development data through baby data collection during immunization so that baby data can be monitored through a web-based system. With a web-based system that has been successfully designed, it will help parents and the Posyandu in collecting data on babies and immunizations that have been carried out through a digitalized system. Through the designed system, a process has been implemented to assist parents in remembering the baby's immunization schedule via email that has been synchronized with the system that has been designed.
Keywords: Immunization, Baby, Web, Notification, Schedule
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