Skripsi/Tugas Akhir
Game Edukasi 3D Platform Corona Virus Disease (Covid19) Berbasis Android
Penyebaran virus Corona Virus Desease(Covid-19) secara global, masih terus bertambah dari hari ke harinya. pada awal bulan Maret 2020 virus corona yang masuk di Indonesia menyebabkan kelumpuhan pada sektor ekonomi, kesehatan, pariwisata, perdagangan juga investasi , ini di akibatkan karena kurangnya masyarakat mematuhi protokol kesehatan serta masih banyak yang menganggap bahwa virus corona hanya virus biasa. Maka dari itu peneliti bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun aplikasi game edukasi 3D platform Covid-19 berbasis android untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada pengguna seberapa bahayanya virus tersebut sehingga dapat mematuhi protokol kesehatan dan tidak menganggap remeh virus Corona (Covid-19).
Kata Kunci: Unity, Covid-19, Platform, Game Edukasi, Virus Corona
The spread of coronavirus desease (Covid-19) globally, is still growing from day to day. In early March 2020 the coronavirus that entered Indonesia caused paralysis in the economic sector, health, tourism, trade and investment, this was due to the lack of people complying with health protocols and there are still many who consider that the corona virus is just a common virus. Therefore, researchers aim to design and build an android-based Covid-19 Covid-19 educational game application to provide knowledge to users how dangerous the virus is so that it can comply with health protocols and not underestimate the Corona virus (Covid-19).
Keywords : Unity,Covid-19, Platform, Educational Games, Corona Virus
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