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Perancangan Aplikasi untuk Rekomendasi Tipe Motor Calon Pembeli dengan Metode Preference Selection Index Berbasis Mobile
Dengan banyak pilihan sepeda motor dengan desain, harga, dan keiritan bahan bakar yang bermacam-macam. Karena banyaknya pilihan inilah maka tidak sedikit konsumen yang merasa bingung ketika akan membeli sepeda motor, apalagi saat sampai di dealer/show room para sales menawarkan begitu banyak pilihan sehingga calon pembeli semakin bingung. Dealer penjualan motor telah menawarkan websitenya untuk memilih motor yang sesuai sebelum calon pembeli datang ke dealer, idealnya dealer mesti menghadirkan aplikasi mobile yang dapat diunduh oleh calon Pembeli untuk itu diperlukan sebuh sistem berbasis mobile android yang dilengkapi dengan fitur rekomendasi pilihan motor sesuai keinginan dan kemampuan ekonomi calon pembeli. Untuk itu pada penelitian ini kami membangun sistem rekomendasi motor sesuai dengan keinginan dan kemampuan bayar calon pembeli. Data motor yang dihitung sebagai kriteria yaitu jenis, transmisi, kapasitas mesin dan harga kemudian diranking menggunakan pembobotan berdasarkan spesifikasi masing masing motor, Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk merekomendasikan motor yang di input berdasarkan kriteria jenis, transmisi, kapasitas mesin dan harga menggunakan Metode Preference Selection Index untuk menentukan motor yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi dan harga yang diinginkan calon pembeli.
Kata Kunci: Motor, Mobile, Preference Selection Index
With a large selection of motorcycles with various designs, prices, and fuel economy. Because of these many choices, not a few consumers feel confused when they are going to buy a motorcycle, especially when they arrive at the dealer/show room, the salespeople offer so many choices that potential buyers are even more confused. Motorcycle sales dealers have offered their websites to choose the right motorbike before potential buyers come to the dealership, ideally the dealer should present a mobile application that can be downloaded by prospective buyers. For this reason, an Android-based mobile system is needed that is equipped with a recommendation feature for motorbike choices according to their wishes and economic capabilities. prospective buyers. For this reason, in this study, we built a motorcycle recommendation system according to the wishes and ability of prospective buyers to pay. Motor data calculated as criteria, namely type, transmission, engine capacity and price are then ranked using weighting based on the specifications of each motor. The results of this study can be used to recommend motors that are input based on criteria for type, transmission, engine capacity and price using the Preference Selection Method. Index to determine the motor in accordance with the specifications and prices desired by prospective buyers.
Keywords: Motor, Mobile, Preference Selection Index
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