Development of Monitoring System for Room Temperature, pH and Water Level Hydroponic Cultivation Using IoT Method
The problem in this research is how to redesign the monitoring system for room temperature, pH and water level on hydroponic plants using the android platform and analyze the performance test of the monitoring system. This research aims to develop a system design for monitoring room temperature, pH, and water level on hydroponic plants that are run on the android platform using Internet of Things (IoT) based technology. The materials used in this research are data related to room temperature, ideal water level, and water pH from hydroponic plants. The method or technology used in IoT (Internet of Things) is run on the Android platform; IoT is a concept where different or the same information can exchange internet connectivity with objects around which are controlled using a Smartphone. The monitoring system created is used by farmers who cultivate the hydroponic plant industry. The results of this study are the construction of a hydroponic cultivation monitoring management system using the android platform with IoT-based technology; the system is connected to a prototype device consisting of sensors that detect temperature, water level and water pH, a system with an android platform built to help aquaculture farmers in remote control, anytime and anywhere. Based on black-box testing to determine system functionality, valid results are obtained and based on system service level; there are 83.4% very satisfied.
Keywords: Monitoring, IoT (Internet of Things), Android, Hydroponic.
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