Fundamental Design of Flood Management Educational Games Using Virtual Reality Technology
The geographical location of Makassar, which is included in the lowlands and the increasingly uncertain climate change, makes this area included in the flood map in Indonesia. Almost every year, the city of Makassar is haunted by the potential for flooding in several vulnerable areas such as the sub-districts of Manggala, Wajo and Bontoala and the Antang National Housing, every disaster in the city of Makassar is handled by the Regional Office. Disaster Management Agency. So far, flood disaster preparedness is still not responsive to a disaster, most of them sit around waiting for help, and the community lacks understanding of what to do when a flood disaster hits them. This study aims to design a system that provides education to the public about flood disaster management using virtual reality technology. This research method uses Virtual Reality technology based on educational games. The result of this research is the existence of a flood control simulation system that can help the people of Makassar understand what to do in the event of a flood and with virtual reality-based, educational game technology providing a more attractive appearance. So that people are happy and happy to use educational games. Based on black-box testing, valid results were obtained for all functional tests on the flood prevention educational game simula tion system, especially in Makassar. Then based on the results of a questionnaire to determine the system’s benefits obtained from fifty respondents consisting of children, adolescents and adults, the outcomes received 91.3% stated very useful, 5.2% useful, 3.5% quite helpful and 0% useless.
Keywords—game, flood, management, virtual reality, education
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