Using WebQual 4.0 For Measuring Quality of E-learning Services During COVID-19 Pandemic
The purpose of this study is to measure the quality of website services in the form of STMIK Dipanegara Makassar e-learning in during the COVID-19 pandemic using WebQual 4.0, lecturers and students were asked to do the learning process from home, where STMIK Dipanegara Makassar provided e-learning that could be used by lecturers and students. This study recognizes differences in actual perceptions and ideal expectations of website users in the form of e-learning. The method used is WebQual 4.0, WebQual 4.0 is used to measure usability, quality of information, and quality of service interactions on web pages in the form of e-learning. The results of the study based on the recapitulation of all indicators from 115 respondents consisting of lecturers and students obtained 69.1% agree and 12.8% strongly agree. Combined, the results are 81.9%, and 16.6% disagree and 1.5% strongly disagree. This shows that based on the results of the questionnaire at the time of the e-learning of the COVID-19 pandemic, STMIK Dipanegara Makassar already has a good quality website service, but there are still certain parts that need to be addressed.
Keywords— E-learning, Quality Service, Website, COVID-19 Pandemic, Webqual 4.0
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