Skripsi/Tugas Akhir
Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Data Alumni (SMK) Berbasis Web di Kota Mamuju
Beberapa SMK pada kota mamuju telah banyak meluluskan siswa-siswi dari berbagai daerah sekitar. Namun setelah lulus, alumni tidak terkoordinir lagi. Selain itu kesempatan bertemu yang diadakan oleh perkumpulan alumni SMK di beberapa sekolah tidak optimal karena informasi tidak menyebar ke semua alumni sehingga banyak alumni yang tidak hadir. Didasari bahwa hal tersebut, maka tatacara komunikasi serta silaturahmi antar sekolah dengan alumni terus berjalan baik. Ikatan alumni juga sangat membantu dalam memberikan informasi. Didasari oleh peran alumni itu sendiri, pada dasarnya sekolah harus memiliki informasi data alumni.
Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi, Alumni SMK, Sekolah, Website, MySQL.
Several SMK in Mamuju city have graduated many students from various surrounding areas. However, after graduation, the alumni are no longer coordinated. In addition, meeting opportunities held by SMK alumni associations in several schools were not optimal because information did not spread to all alumni so that many alumni did not attend. Based on this, the communication and friendship procedures between schools and alumni continue to run well. Alumni associations are also very helpful in providing information. Based on the role of alumni themselves, basically schools must have information on alumni data.
Keywords: Information Systems, Vocational High School Alumni, School, Website, MySQL.
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