ABSTRACT Maros district is one of the Second Level Regions in the province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The district capital is located in Maros city. This regency has an area of 1,619.12 km². …
ABSTRACT The problem in this research is how to redesign the monitoring system for room temperature, pH and water level on hydroponic plants using the android platform and analyze the performance …
Other Source: https://penerbitdeepublish.com/ https://deepublishstore.com/shop/sistem-game-edukasi/ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pcJ_7FJiTNqA8TfwkLP5ARTWmUNAs_A_/view?usp=share_link
ABSTRAK SMAN 14 Makassar adalah salah satu sekolah menengah atas negeri yang ada di kota Makassar, alamat SMAN 14 Makassar di Jl. Bajiminasa No.9 Makassar. Tujuan diadakannya kegiatan tersebut ad…
ABSTRACT For more than a year, The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has affected various areas and fields. In the educational domain, all higher education institutions have been forced to be in the …
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to development a System for the security of submission word, excel and pdf files implementation to LPPPTK KPTK Gowa. The method used is AES and DES cryptograp…
ABSTRACT High accuracy and a real-time system are priorities in the development of a prosthetic hand. This study aimed to develop and evaluate a real-time embedded time-domain feature extraction a…
ABSTRACT The problem in this study is how to educate the public about the introduction of eye diseases based on information on symptoms of the disease and how to apply the web-based Artificial Neu…
ABSTRACT The geographical location of Makassar, which is included in the lowlands and the increasingly uncertain climate change, makes this area included in the flood map in Indonesia. Almost ever…
ABSTRAK Kabupaten Bone adalah salah satu kabupaten yang berada di provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Kabupaten Bone memiliki 27 Kecamatan dan 374 desa dan kelurahan, Desa yang menjadi sampel dalam peneli…
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